April spells a couple of medium-sized paddling adventures for me, so with the 12YO and his home-from-college sis on their spring breaks, Easter Sunday was another weekend spent backpacking in our local mountains... camp by a fire, cross a bazillion rain-fed streams, meander amongst the vine-choked oaks and sycamores; check out the blue jays, salamanders, woodpeckers, and pray that the resident ornery Mr. Bear don't pay a visit. Around this here parts, early to mid-spring are the best times to do so, IMO. To be near, but feel so far, to breathe in all that green and fresh air, I'm thankful for this wild open space, and to share such #microadventures with my favorite peeples. Hashtag me #grateful. Here's to springing for more adventures ;D #microadventure #hiking #backpacking #adventurekids #camping #homeiswhereyoustakeit #campingisintents #eastersunday #sangabrielmountains #sangabrielvalley #losangelescounty #southerncalifornia #olympustg4 #olympustg4tough #optoutside #rei1440project #reiemployee #letscamp #letshike #chantryflats @adamspackstation Foto av @out.i.go Tags: friluftsliv vildmarksliv naturen natur bilder